before home backup

Post your SWOP now and stand a chance to win.

All Swoppers who post and share the app before the launch stand a chance to win a Big Screen TV, a mentorship from a Top businesswoman, Chinese Mandarin Lessons, and many other prizes.

Currently available in South Africa

Post your SWOP now and stand a chance to win.

Swoppers who post and share the app stand a chance to win Big prizes, including a 75" TV.

Lets start Swopping!

Launching Soon in South Africa

Swap Anything
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Why Buy and Sell when you can SWOP

Services, Skills, Life Experiences, Collectibles, Products, and Anything Else can be Swopped.

Put your hairdressing skills to use and Swop for a few Greek Lessons or have your Plumbing fixed, or even have a legal document prepared, on SwopAnything, you can Swop Anything for Anything.
From Virtual Reality to Recipes, life skills advice to zoom artistic performances, you name it, Swopanything has it all!


Shopper to Swopper

Hello Africa
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Money is Optional


Search and explore for interesting SWOPS, or for swops that you may need


Items, skills, or services to Swop? Post your SWOP easily with a simple upload.


Like what you see, chat, or directly suggest a SWOP with someone and get swopping.


Any combination of Services, Skills, Life Experiences, Collectables, Products, and Anything Else can be swopped.

Rubik Cube


Donate Anything

Support the fight against the Covid-19 pandemic.

Unused items, skills or anything else, please consider donating to verified charitable NGO's

Here’s how:

1 -  Post your donations on the app.

2 - Only approved NGO's will have access to view       your donations.

3 - Arrange a collection or drop off directly       through the app chat feature.

Swop Anything

"Sometimes it falls upon a generation to be great, you can be that generation"

- Nelson Mandela

Swop Anything

Carbon Footprint

Reduce your Carbon Footprint.​

The more you Swop goods and services, the kinder you are to the environment.